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Admission to united international school

The terms and conditions specified in the application form stand valid at all occasions and the admissions at United International School will occur based on student competency.

Duly filled application form should be handed over along with the supporting documents:

The Educational Trust, is a self-financing institution receiving no grants from the state or central goverment. 
The fee structure may be revised as and when the need to upgrade the existing amenities arise. 

School Uniforms: All details with regard to the above will be provided by the office staff. 

Admissions at United International School

Functional Hours

United International School is located at:

Hennur – Bagalur Main Road, Kannur Post,
Bangalore – 562149. India.

Ph: +91 94835 14755 / 7353751497/ 99


Monday – Friday 9.00 am to 4.00 pm

Saturday 9.00 am to 12.30 pm

Norms and Conditions

  • Members of the student community at all the levels must adhere to all rules and regulations specified within the Institute.
  • Punctuality to Academic sessions as well as co-curricular sessions is mandatory.
  • A vivid veiw of Organisational skill is essential. Diary sustains the school – home connections and hence should duly be signed in.
  • Reports of periodic academic performance along with detailed appraisal would enhance further learning.
  • Parental compliance with the security rules is Mandatory. The school reserves the right to take decisions with regard to emergency medical situations.

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